Qhosha ngokwenza kwakhe interview

Qhoshangokwenzakwakhe is one of the most popular super stars in the maskandi music industry ,He managed to attract big numbers of maskandi fans with his music,Qhosha was born and raised at Eshowe Emlalazi and now is based in Durban for work(music) ,He told us he is doing music most of his time but he also own a graphic design company and a record label company named 3tin entertainment,As he was known as the biggest fan of the late legend Mgqumeni,He was the fans leader(induna)and after the late mgqumeni passed on he went to Osaziwayo and be the fans leader again(induna) Qhosha realised his 1st album year 2013 and everyone couldn't wait for his album because they were all hoping he will definitely imitate the late Mgqumeni and he didn't do that but he chose to play his own style.People loved his music and accepted him with warm hands.he have 5 albums now and this year(2018) we waiting for album number 6.He explained about his latest tittle "miss south Africa"this...