I Virus entsha sends an apology to his fans

As everyone was expecting ivirus entsha’s new CD this December,a misfortune all know Mr Sim
ayedwa Sibiya(Virus entsha) lost his manager few Weeks ago.for that reason the realise of his CD has been postponed to February 2019 and the tittle will be”ANSWER MY QUESTION”I am also keen to know who must answer and what was the question,It is getting normal for maskandi artist to use English words for album tittles .DSD realised an album called clairvoyant,Dumakahle realised 21 Questions,Nkosiyamagcokama and others.
Simayedwa sends a huge apology to his fans and all maskandi lovers including music lovers generally as some people do call inn and confess they do love his music even if they not into maskandi music.Never the less Mr Virus did promised a very hot album next year with a very strong message as we know Mr Virus is also known as a hit maker as we know the song hit and run is still tranding on radio stations and all sociall medias

for bookings
Facebook page     Simayedwa virus entsha
Whtsapp                 072 194 1046/call
Instagram            Ivirus entsha
Twitter                 Ivirus entsha sizwe


by: Fannie b ( content producer)


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