Thulubuke interview

Lindokuhle Khiphokwakhe khoza well known as(Thulubuke)is one of the most popular Maskandi singers who is loved by thousands of people in the country.Thulubuke was very happy to talk to us as he loves talking to his fans and he enjoys introducing him self to his fans everyday because he knows they grow day by day.So he believes they do wanna know about the hero they are supporting.He was born and raised at Eshowe makhuneyphehle he started maskandi music 2016 as thulubuke , he realised his 1st album and it was not much successful and 2017 he realised his second album called usizi lwakithi and the album performed miracles ,with that album he for him.he managed to attract thousands of people and different companies made him different offers.He is now working on his 3rd album where he featured Mthandeni Mancele(igcokamelisha and Mdumazi(Igeza lendalo).

He elaborated more about his name (Thulubuke) and his album tittle(usizi lwakithi) the tittle referrers to the life he comes from ,the life his family used to live was a shame.He got his name from people who new him from his child wood ,he used to be good on imitating people ,when you do something he would sit down and watch you very carefully,when you done he would do exactly like you ,so that's how he got his name ,He got it from his child wood  not now

He further extended his thanks to Mthandeni Igcokama elisha for being true and loyal when it comes to new talent ,Mthandeni is in a very high level in the music industry but he don't mind that when it comes to supporting new talent and he do not see a new talent as a competition but he just push the talent and expose it as it is .Thulubuke do not believe in insulting other artist like others do but He do understand that there are few who trow soft stones at him and he decides to keep quiet because if he deiced to trow back he will only trow rocks and nobody can stand that.He appreciated Mdumazi and Mthandeni for working with him and still wish to work with the legends like Shwi,Thokozani Langa for a different experience

He asked musicians to respect them selves,respect their music,respect the industry and mostly respect fans.He asked fans to support all maskandi singers not just 1 artist ,he ask event organisers to give him a chance a  bit late when everyone is already in the stadium so that people see what they love.he appreciated the broadcasters for their good work

He extended his thanks again to Sphe Mchunu from Mnambithi for believing in his music,Sgwili Mhlongo,Dubula Mbatha,Ikolodo likabafanyana and more he couldn't finish them

for bookings please contact

whtsapp\call.........079 767 3252

facebook...............Thulubuke indlangezo

instagram.............Thulubuke indlangezo

twitter.................@Thulubuke indlangezo


  1. I also wish that you help me so I can help others as well, especially on our Maskandi Genre.we've got a lot to feed our society. 🙏🏼


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